Smooth As... Natural Soap with Goat's Milk and Calendula
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From our gentle Smooth As... range. A soap for every age - from birth to retirement!
Suitable for all skin types, ideal for sensitive & problematic skin, for the whole body and face. Extremely gentle and caring for the most delicate skin!
Eczema and other skin conditions can't just be "fixed" with creams & balms, the soaps you use are just as important. Our Smooth As... & No Scent soap's have been formulated to gently clean and moisturise troubled skin.
Goat's milk is rich in essential fatty acids and triglycerides. Essential fatty acids have a unique PH, similar to human, so are less irritating and more easily absorbed by the skin. These fatty acids and triglycerides are super hydrating in deeply moisturising.
Goat’s milk contains minerals such as selenium and vitamins that are valuable to the skin, most notably Vitamin A.
As with other milk, goat's milk contains lactic acid, which is alpha hydroxy acid (ANA).
This lactic acid helps to gently secrete dead cells of the epidermis and helps to hydrate and refresh the skin.
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