Chickenpox & How to Deal With It!

Chickenpox is commonplace throughout the Autumn and Winter months - a virus that you can "catch" extremely easily - not only by contact with a sick person, but also through airborne droplets.
Every week through November to February, we have many customers messaging us for help and advise for Chickenpox 🙁
Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV).
It can cause an itchy, blister-like rash among other symptoms. The rash first appears on the chest, back, and face, and then spreads over the entire body.
What are the symptoms?
Strong tingling, itching and sensation of extremely hot skin * Fever - high temperature, sometimes reaching 40-41 degrees Celsius * Terrible headache, sore throat
Nausea * Vertigo * Weakness and fatigue * Lack of appetite * Severe muscle and joint pain * Insomnia * Pimples filled with fluid on the torso, face, scalp, private parts...
* When to see a doctor - if the rash is accompanied by dizziness, disorientation, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, tremors, loss of muscle coordination, worsening cough, vomiting, stiff neck or a fever higher than 102 F (38.9 C).
Stop the Itch & Repair the Skin with -

Chickenpox Facts:
- The incubation period is between 7 and 21 days * Complications in adults can be Pneumonia, Encephalitis, Meningitis, therefore in more severe cases Antibiotics are prescribed (Acyclovir) * If you suffer from Anxiety and Panic attacks, these may be exacerbated by the medication *
- You are infectious until the pimples dry up * Foods to avoid during Chickenpox - small-seeded fruits (strawberries, kiwis), citrus fruits, fish, eggs, nuts, dairy products, butter, strong spices, cocoa, sugar, chocolate, legumes (lentils, beans , peas)
- Do not take Aspirin and Ibuprofen after Chickenpox, your immune system is weak and exhausted, strengthen it with some immune boosting herbal remedies - Elderberry syrup, Herbal teas, Tinctures! * The virus can remain in your body and reappear in a weakened immune system at an older age, a disease known as Shingles
Check our products suitable to use when you have chickenpox -
Eczema, Chickenpox, Sensitive Skin
How to make being sick easier and more bearable:
Do not use perfume - the alcohol in it will irritate the pimples, avoid using make-up - let your skin breathe
Maintain good personal hygiene - sweat can irritate and infect the pimples and an antibiotic may be required. Taking a warm (not hot!) bath with 1-2 handfuls of baking soda or oatmeal in a tied gauze/cotton bag or lady's sock is recommended. * Use gentle baby soaps
When washing your hair, don't scrub, but gently massage your scalp and rinse well * after bathing, do not rub your body with a towel, but dry it with gentle movements
Food & Drink - in the presence of pimples in the mouth, eat soups (not hot!) , drink non-allergenic fruit smoothies * drink a lot of water, especially on the days when you have a high temperature and a fever
Gentle Clothing - Wear cotton, loose clothing and do not wear too many layers to avoid sweating
Apply Guardian Angel`s Healing Touch Ointment externally anywhere there are pimples, as often as needed - it will relieve the itching, speed up the healing of pimples and reduce the risk of scarring
DO NOT scratch the pimples! This will guarantee scars that will be difficult to heal
Do not dye your hair for at least a month after the pimples are completely gone.
Stay Positive! - while you are under quarantine, do the things you never had enough time for - meditate, read, listen to good music and think positive - this too shall pass!